Pheasant Hunting - Medford, Oregon
Directory of 1 Medford Oregon pheasant hunting lodges, guides, outfitters,clubs, preserve listings found near Medford, OR.

Hunt Club offers pheasant hunting. Under our Special Hunt program we offer to the hunter special, exclusive pheasant hunts as well as exclusive pond usage for the season. For the hunter who hunts all three we offer an Annual Membership. You will be hunting on our private club centered between Upper Klamath Lake and the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, surrounded by the Klamath River and straight across the river from the Miller Island State Game Refuge. Settled in the spectacular marsh complex of the Klamath Basin, the club property is used by ducks, geese, and pheasants. Our property consists of over 850 acres containing ponds, green marshes, and pastures. Add grain and alfalfa fields and miles of canals, and you have an excellent hunting environment.

If we are missing any Medford Oregon Pheasant Hunting listings or have any incorrect, please contact us.